MAB comes up with Better ways, better lives campaign, first award winning web drama series around Banking.

The Challenge:

Banking and Financial brands are not usually close to consumers, they stand tall and stay alone. All the banks are creating very branded commercials. So as our client MAB is looking for opportunity to differentiate and stay closer to the local consumers.

During post-covid pandemic, the consumers behaviors shift and people are consuming more on streaming contents and drama series. So OOH and nation wide event activations are less relevant at that moment.

The Comeback:

From the consumer insight of local people love local drama. Bank needs PR but not branded content. So we propose to create Myanmar's first Web Drama Series that people would like to see. But the challenge is creating a story that relate with consumers at the same time with the brand.

So we went back and learn all the bank case studies of issues in the past 5 years with consumers, employees, bankers and etc. And our creative team comes back with the most compelling scripts based on the true story around the Bank and add the drama and love stories. Then come up with the idea of "Better Ways, Better Lives" to create first ever Banking Web Drama series for local consumers. And then we produce multiple days for 8 episodes of real life stories with Cinema Quality Brand Film and plan to promote and release on Web with premier.

This was the huge success, millions of people tune and watched, they love and shared, they understand the life of Bankers and got huge positive PR values. And even we won the Best use of PR in Asia Pacific in 2024 as Dragon of Asia Award.

3.8M Video views

+18% Engagement rate

Positive BHC and PR Values

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